Max DEEP RM Small Parcel Boxes 349x249x159mm
Historic Maximum Size Royal Mail 'Deep' Small Parcel Boxes - 349x349x159mm (RMDEEP)
In the above section you will find size 14x10x6" (349x249x159mm) single wall boxes, in various quantities/pack sizes. These have been specifically manufactured to meet the maximum external DEEP size allowed by Royal Mail under their 'small parcel' guidelines, enforced on 1 April 2013. Perfect for fitting anything that can be sent as a small parcel, providing an all round box for all these items, ensuring that you keep postage costs down.
These top quality and presentable boxes are manufactured in standard 0201 single wall box style as pictured. The dimensions are as follows:
Internal Dimensions - 342x242x145mm
External Dimensions - 349x249x159mm
Royal Mail made changes to the way that parcels are treated within their network for individuals or businesses that send less than 1000 parcels a year. They used to have two maximum parcel sizes for items qualifying as 'small parcels', both of which we stock and are available on this site. They have now merged these sizes to create a new 'overall' size, as of October 2014. We stock the new maximum size as well, which is also available on this site. The cost of sending 'small parcels' in their network is significantly cheaper than sending 'standard parcels'.
The new stipulations as of 20 October 2014 for maximum sizes of 'small parcels' are the following (note these are external dimensions):
Maximum Length - 450mm
Maximum Width - 350mm
Maximum Depth - 160mm
The previous stipulations were as follows:
Maximum Length - 450mm
Maximum Width - 350mm
Maximum Depth - 80mm
Maximum Length - 350mm
Maximum Width - 250mm
Maximum Depth - 160mm